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army forces 意味

"army forces"の例文


  • army fòrces
    〔軍〕陸軍部隊(cf.?armed forces ).
  • army     army n. 陸軍; 軍, 軍隊; 大群. 【動詞+】 photographers who accompanied the army in
  • army air forces    {組織} : 《米》陸軍航空隊{りくぐん こうくうたい}◆【略】AAF
  • army occupation forces    (陸軍{りくぐん}による)占領軍{せんりょう ぐん}
  • strategic army forces    {組織} : 《米》戦略陸軍部隊◆【略】STRAF
  • theater army forces    戦域陸軍部隊{せんいき りくぐん ぶたい}
  • ready reserve strategic army forces    {組織} : 緊急予備役戦略陸軍部隊◆【略】RRSTRAF
  • rebel kosovo liberation army forces    反体制派{はん たいせい は}のコソボ解放軍{かいほうぐん}
  • us army forces - far east    アメリカ極東軍{きょくとう ぐん}◆【略】USAFFE
  • united states army forces - far east    
  • army     army n. 陸軍; 軍, 軍隊; 大群. 【動詞+】 photographers who accompanied the army in Vietnam ベトナムに従軍したカメラマン They advanced the army up to new positions. 新しい陣地へと軍隊を進めた The army was arranged for b
  • in the army    入隊{にゅうたい}して、陸軍軍人{りくぐん ぐんじん}になって
  • this is the army    {映画} : 陸軍中尉◆米1943
  • aerospace forces    エアロスペース部隊{ぶたい}
  • aggressor forces    攻者、対抗部隊{たいこう ぶたい}、攻撃軍
  • allied forces    allied forces 連合軍 れんごうぐん


  • the headquarters of the u .s . army forces far east proclaimed the occupation administration in korea (denial of immediate independence ).
    - アメリカ極東軍司令部、朝鮮における占領行政を宣言(即時独立否認)
  • the headquarters of the u .s . army forces far east proclaimed the occupation administration in korea (denial of immediate independence ).
    - アメリカ極東軍司令部、朝鮮における占領行政を宣言(即時独立否認)
  • insisted to observe neutrality , the nagaoka domain did not swear allegiance to the army forces of the government; however , their claim was not accepted , and then the war broke out which ended up in defeat .
  • after he was released , he worked together with kazue soma , under the direction of saemon kasuga , who was the commander of the former edo bakufu ' s army forces (edo bakufu was the last japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ).
  • nomura did not return to the fold of the shinsengumi , and although he was exclusively in charge of a squad of the army forces , he was not satisfied with the commander kasuga ' s leadership and caused various troubles including disobedience to kasuga ' s orders .
  • the toyotomi side was a jumble of army forces and unable to have close contacts; mototsugu goto troop of 2 ,800 soldiers advanced to komatsuyama in its single troop , which was given a concentrated attack by troops of more than 20 ,000 soldiers of masamune date , katsunari mizuno and others and the troop fought hard only to be destroyed and mototsugu was killed .
  • after having been defeated in miyazaki city and in sadowara , the satsuma army forces set up a fighting formation beside the takanabe-gawa river as follows in preparation for attacks by the government army: the troops led by those including kirino , henmi , nakajima , kijima , and shuichiro kono , the kumamoto-tai troop led by ikebe , and the combined troop led by arima as well as the takanabe-tai troop .
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